How many miles do commercial tires last?

New Truck Tires recently replaced

When it comes to commercial tires, one of the most important things to consider is their lifespan. After all, these tires play a crucial role in the safety and efficiency of a fleet of trucks. But how long do commercial tires last?

The answer could be more straightforward, as several factors are at play. Generally speaking, commercial truck tires can last anywhere between 50,000 to 100,000 miles before they need to be replaced. However, some specialized tires designed for long-haul trucking can last up to 200,000 miles!

Fleet managers and trucking companies should take note of the factors that can impact the lifespan of commercial tires and ensure they follow proper maintenance practices to maximize tire longevity. Not only can this save them money in the long run, but it also keeps their drivers and the public safe.

When should I replace my commercial truck tires?

Choosing the right tires for your trucks is crucial but knowing when to replace commercial truck tires is important for the safety of the driver, the cargo, and other road users. 

While tire lifespan can vary depending on several factors, here are some signs that it’s time to replace your commercial truck tires:

Tread depth: 

When the tire tread depth reaches 4/32 of an inch, it’s time to replace it. Tires with low tread depth have reduced traction and are more prone to hydroplaning.

Visible damage: 

Cracks, bulges, or cuts on the tire sidewall or tread are signs of wear that can lead to tire failure. In such cases, the tire should be replaced immediately.


Even if a tire has not reached its mileage limit, replacing tires over six years old is recommended. Tires can degrade over time due to heat, sunlight, and chemical exposure.


Excessive vibration while driving can indicate an issue with the tire or wheel, and it’s recommended to have them checked by a professional. In some cases, vibration may be a sign of a worn-out tire.

Handling and performance: 

If you notice that your vehicle is not handling as well as it used to, or if you experience a decline in performance, it may be time to replace the tires.

To be precise, replacing commercial truck tires is crucial for the safety and efficiency of your fleet. Regular inspections, maintenance, and monitoring of the above signs can ensure that your tires are in good condition and ready for the road.

If you are looking for repairing your truck tire then check our truck tire repair guide that will make you aware of the things you should know before repairing a truck tire in Ottawa, Ontario. 

Can tires last 100000 miles?

Truck Tire repairing in Ottawa

Yes, they can last up to 100,000 miles! 

Of course, a few things can impact the lifespan of your tires, such as the type of tire, how heavy your vehicle is, the road conditions you encounter, and how well you take care of them.

When it comes to commercial tires, they’re built to be able to handle a lot of wear and tear. 

Some types of tires used for long-haul trucking can last up to 200,000 miles! 

However, it’s worth noting that things like harsh weather, poor road conditions, and aggressive driving can all take a toll on your tires and shorten their lifespan.

To help your tires last as long as possible, it’s important to practice good maintenance habits. 

This means regularly checking your tire pressure, rotating and balancing tires, and checking for any signs of wear or damage. By taking good care of your tires, you can help ensure they’ll last you a long time.

Why do truck tires wear out so fast?

When it comes to truck tires, they tend to wear out faster than tires for regular passenger vehicles. There are a few reasons for this:

Reason 1: Weight and Load

The weight of the cargo and the vehicle itself can cause a lot of stress on the tires, leading to deformation and a loss of shape over time. This is especially true for long-haul trucking, where the tires are subjected to many miles of heavy loads.

Reason 2: Road Conditions

Trucks’ road conditions can also take a toll on their tires. Rough, uneven roads can cause the tires to wear out more quickly, especially if the tires need to be properly inflated or aligned.

Reason 3: Lack of Maintenance

Proper tire maintenance is crucial for extending the life of truck tires. If a truck is not regularly serviced, including tire rotations and alignments, the tires can wear out faster. 

Read Also – Is It Better To Patch or Plug a Tire?


To sum it up, it’s important to take good care of commercial truck tires to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the vehicle. Regular maintenance, such as checking tire pressure and tread depth, can help extend the lifespan of the tires and improve overall performance.

Knowing when to replace worn-out tires is also crucial for safety on the road. By following these basic steps, commercial truck owners can help keep their vehicles running smoothly and safely for many miles.

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